Explanations [main]   [help]   [settings]  [feedback] 

At the top of every page you have some useful links and the bottom there is a pane that allows typing a new query, going to a specific picture number, or go to one of the predefined queries.
A uniform convention is that picture links (thumbnails) have a colored background that indicates their "rating" - a colored border indicates a picture which is part of the "good" picture category, and a bright color indicates being in the "best" category.
Queries are made of parens, "&" (and), "|" (or), "!" (not), and more for CS geeks ("#" (xor), "->" (implies), "<->" (equiv)). "*" and "?" can be used as the usual wildcards, "-" can be used for a numeric range or various date ranges, and double or single quotes can be used as usual. There are several options that determine how the search is performed, for example, whether the description text is searched as well. Other options determine how the results are displayed.
For a list of all keywords go here, and a list of all pictures is available here.
On every query results page there are arrow buttons for flipping through the pages, clicking on an image gets you to that picture's page. On a picture page, you'll see a navigation bar that allows you to navigate the current query (big thumbnails and single arrows), go to the previous/next query page (double arrow buttons) or the page around the current picture (bullet). The two small thumbnails in the corners are for going to the next or previous picture according to the picture numbers, this is sometimes useful because this is the order in which the pictures were taken. Finally, clicking the image itself toggles its size, the default size is small enough for laptop screens. This default can be changed in the settings screen. (The original source images are much bigger, ask if you want one).
The settings screen allows complete customization of the way things are displayed: from the color scheme, image and font sizes, to how queries are performed and in which order they are presented.
This picture presentation system is completely built using Scheme. There are four big components that make all this work: (1) an HTML generating program, (2) a Scheme web-server, (3) picture manipulation and query, and (4) the Scheme script that the server uses to produce these pages.
If you're interested in using any of these, mail me.
I've tried to make this system the best possible, if you still think that there are ways in which it could be improved, or if you get an urge to tell me how great it is, use the feedback page.
Eli Barzilay