Picture #0476 ("_all"; 476/3523) [main]  [help]  [settings]  [feedback] 
0476 (click for smaller size)
Ithaca; Tuesday, August 1st 2000. [++]

A long time has passed when I didn't have a camera. This is the first time I used the new camera that I ordered - an Olympus C2020-Zoom. I have also been looking at Lee Friedlander's work and tried something with it (dragging the book into the picture as well). I used 0476 on the TV, 0384 on the desktop and 0469 on the laptop.

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Keywords: :olympus-c2020z america bag barzilay blanket books bottle camera computer curtain desk eli family friedlander hanukia home indoors ithaca lamp laptop lcd light monitor new-york ny pc picture pillow plant recliner reflection self shelf speaker stereo table usa vaio vase